If you are using a company account approved for Advanced Services you can fund your wallet via bank debit. You can link your bank using an automated login process or using a slower 2 micro-transaction process. After you use either of these processes, we will do one final approval which typically takes less than 24 hours.

Sometimes we may need to approve banks linked for funding. If you see the message 'Pending Approval', please be patient whilst we confirm the connection. It typically takes less than one day.

ACH debit allows us to "pull" funds from your company bank account. The process takes 2-5 business days to credit to your wallet.  The fund transaction will show up as "Pending" until the funds arrive after which  they will be available in your selected wallet.

A bank linked for funding will show up as below.

The below email example will be sent as confirmation. 

Fund Wallet via Bank Debit